Contacts. Payment.

For Individual Users.

Direct User-Producer interaction ensures accessibility “Super Torque” module for the User’s personal Vehicle. Before contacting the Manufacturer, familiarize yourself with the interaction algorithm.

1 step
Call the Official Representative of FPDtech at +7-707-698-61-01; get information about the location and working hours of your FPDtech Service Center.
2 step
At the official FPDtech Service Center, the following services are provided: free mandatory diagnosis of your car's operational condition; Module checking and installation in the presence of the User; payment with mandatory issuance of a fiscal receipt (right to return the Module); documentary protection of User's rights (signing of the User Agreement); activation of Manufacturer's Warranty obligations for a period of 1 (one) year.
3 step
Mandatory service support for your car for the next 1200 (one thousand two hundred) kilometers after Module installation.

Your message to the Manufacturer should only be in printed form. and contain the following brief information:

  1. First name, Last name, country, city (Paul Richter, Germany, Dresden).
  2. Vehicle make (VW Polo), year of manufacture (2011).
  3. Engine volume ( ).
  4. Gearbox type ( ).
  5. Vehicle mileage (123719 km/mile).
  6. Type of fuel (gasoline/diesel).
  7. Contact phone number.



Your request is accepted within 24 hours, regardless of time zone.

Your request is processed from 09.00 to 18.00 Astana time.


Paragraphs 1. and 7. must contain reliable information and fully comply with the correct spelling according to your identity document to prevent sending to another person and timely notification of delivery to your contact number. Next: payment/purchase, delivery.

Manufacturer's NOTICE:

The fact of payment for the Module means that the User is fully familiar with and agrees with the special conditions of service support and fulfillment of the Manufacturer’s warranty obligations. The availability of the technology includes a description of detailed Recommendations that are simple for most Users for obtaining maximum impact and operating efficiency of the “Super Torque” Pulse Module over a long period of time. These recommendations summarize extensive practical experience of direct technical interaction with more than Three Thousand Units of fuel-fuelled vehicles in the form of simple step-by-step instructions. The following sections have two types of information presentation: “Detailed” and “Simple”.

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